Danielle and Dimitri - Danielle's long time boyfriend and first love
Danielle and her high school friends - picture made by her friends and given to the family the day of Danielle's funeral - many of Danielle's friends have been very supportive to our family since our loss.
Danielle & Erin Bennett 
Danielle and Erin were extremely close, Erin is a young woman now, however, has never forgotten Danielle or the times, laughs, experiences, they shared. But especially the lessons Danielle taught her. Bev, Erin's Mom always thank me for letting Danielle spend time with Erin, she was such a good influence but as her babysitter they always seemed to have fun. Danielle and Erin had a special bond ~ they never forgot about each other, even after we moved. Danielle went to see her and took her to dinner - she also wrote her many notes, letters but never sent them - always good intentions. . . . [I found them among her things]. Erin and her mother Bev loved Danielle so very much - they have shed so many tears and have felt the heartache of our loss.
Lori & Danielle
After Danielle's passing we found a diary with an entry in the back that she wrote - it stated that Lori was her best friend in he whole world as far as people friends go - Sheena was her first (her cat) ~ Danielle and Lori had a very special friendship - like no other - they had so much fun together - they would finish each others sentences - they became 'best friends' in elementary school and always stayed in touch. They always made time for each other and continued to do special things together. Both girls were very talkative and outgoing - they made such a great team! Lori spoke at Danielle's funeral - both Lori and her mother have been extremely compassionate & supportive to our family. Lori's entire family grieved and still grieves over the loss of 'Our Danielle.'
They were called
'Thelma & Louise'

Danielle J. Derfler

Home Page.
Penn State Party at the Derflers -- 11 days before the accident
Danielle & Lori on the roller coaster
Elly Brown and Laszlo Rathonyi wedding picture - Danielle's childhood friend and now a beautiful woman and wife.